The Chaos of a 48 Hour Film Fest

Many weeks ago, I worked on a 48 Hour film down in Kalamazoo. I knew about it for a couple of weeks, thinking I was going to help with sound and that might be it.
They got the assignment on Friday, when I had to work that night. They wrote that night and I was going to show up midday Saturday. And when I got there, I learned that it was a free-for-all, disorganized chaos. Luckily, I love chaos.
10am Saturday - Midnight Sunday I was awake. And I loved every minute of it.
The video (one of these I worked on)isn't my proudest creation, but I learned so much through working with a team of people I'm becoming friends with during the hectic shoot, and facing challenge after challenge. One of which being the most intense downpour of rain the area has seen in years.
If anything, the process is so intense and finding how you can do quick fixes and improvising story choices are lessons that are well worth the exhaustion and I think can only be learned through an experience like this - Which is why I'm doing the 36 Hour Film Fest this winter.
This time, I'll be prepared. Maybe.