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Medium as the Message: My Experience

Throughout my life I have found public speaking to be a very difficult task.

There is an innate ability in public speaking that I fear I just do not possess, almost as if I had just been the last one in line for the ability. And they'd run out.

However, there's no need to fear, because of writing. Writing is what has given me the chance, the voice, to communicate more clearly, whether it be prose, poetry, or script, the latter bing more recent as a means of communication. It is also the most artistic expression I can envision myself being exposed to. It feels like an all-encompassing form of art, filmmaking, and it all begins to coalesce in the scripting stage.

Relating this to The Medium Is The Message, this ties in with my life closely. Not in only my consumption of entertainment and information being through varied mediums, but in my own communication. Finding my ideal way to say what I think and feel, in a manner which I feel most natural in expressing it, has given me newfound freedom and confidence which opens up the floodgates for the ideas I wish to share.

In my experience, the medium has been critical in allowing me to send my message, and to formulate the messages from the beginning.


The notion explored on page 12 of the paper is very intriguing to me, because it emphasizes the problem side of the medium, which is clearly important to take notice of. However, the benefits of new mediums only offers up new avenues for people to express themselves, and for consumers to experience the content in ways which are constantly being experimented with.

Instead of the medium stagnating, all are being played with, and this creativity on the part of the creators only benefits the world community as a whole. Because this experimentation, this creativity, even this exploration of mediums that some view as problematic, ensures that the readers, the viewers, the players always have options and can find the form of medium truest to their hearts and minds.

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